Midnight Angel's

Dark Arts Classes

You walk into Knockturn Alley with your book-bag on your shoulder.
Next to Drysme and Skyries you see an Archway with 'Midnight Angel' written in Silver and Black. You take a deep breath and walk in.
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Necrosurrection Class
Necrosurrection is the Experimental Art of bringing a person back to life in some form or the other. It is illegal in the Wizarding World. A person who uses this art is called a Necromancer.
Alchemy Class
Alchemy is the art of transmuting any metal or substance into gold. It also deals with making the 'Elixir of Life' and the immortalising 'Philosopher's Stone'.
Curses and Hexing Class
Curses and hexes are spells or incantations with negative effects. Most Dark Wizards require extensive knowledge of this field.

All Classes taught by Professor Erinye Mindight, Professor Orion Rigel or Professor Gwendolin Lucifer.

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