Harry. Harry...there you are. My godson. You look so like your father. Has anyone told you that? Are you happy? Has there been anyone to guide you?
I have failed Lily and James...utterly. I should have been there for you, Harry. I should have helped you. Instead you don't even know me. You think I'm a Muggle criminal with a gun. That's what they said on the Muggle news.
I just want to have a closer look...before you go to Hogwarts. No! You've seen me...I can't let you see me.
I quickly slunk away from the garage of Privet Drive.
I hope I didn't scare you, Harry. I probably did. What did you think I was...something fearsome, terrible? This hurts so much...I want to tell you that I didn't do it Harry. I could never do that to your parents. They were my best friends.
But how can I deny it? It was all my fault...it was I who convinced Lily and James to use Wormtail. Wormtail. His name tastes bitter in my mouth.
How could I have been so gullible? That doesn't matter. I was.
Enough of thought...enough of deliberation. I must continue my journey. I will see you there, Harry. See you at Hogwarts.

"Let- me -in!" I shouted in desperation. "Let me pass, you fat idiot!"
The picture in front of me bristled. "I told you again and again- NO! You don't have the password. I WON'T let you inside!"
"You stupid blob of paint!" I let out a howl of rage. The beast in me came out. "You don't understand!"
In a flash, a knife flicked out of my pockets. My mind was blind as I slashed and slashed at the old canvas. The Fat Lady screamed but i took no notice.
Just get to Wormtail. Just get to Wormtail! The Fat Lady had diappeared when I stopped slashing.
I was breathing hard but there was still no way in. Suddenly, I heard laughter. I Transfigured quickly and bounded down the hall and hopefully out of sight.
My hands shook. I had slashed the Fat Lady. The painting that had been so nice to me at Hogwarts. Who had even let me in after a late night escapade with James. I had slashed her.
I shook my head quickly. You are here for a purpose. Just get Wormtail. You've waited too long for this. Too long.
He looked exactly like his father in those scarlet Quidditch robes. If it wasn't for the scar and the eyes I could have mistaken him for James. My best friend James. That's why it's so hard looking at him.
The rain's pelting down. He's getting blown off course. I remember a match against Slytherin where the weather was like this. James had used an Impervius Spell on his glasses...Harry could do that too...but I didn't know how to get the idea to him.
A bag was lying on the floor nearby. It belonged to that bushy-haired girl that Harry was friends with. I had seen them and who was unmistakably Arthur Weasley's son together.
"Accio" I said and took out a spell book from the bag. I opened the page to the Impervius spell and placed the books back nearby her. I picked up a small pebble and flung it at the stands.
I slunk back into the shadows, a great, shaggy dog once more.
I saw her look, puzzled at the open book. Then a bright expression lit her face and she jumped down from the stands.
A warm feeling entered me...one I hadn't had for a long, long time...some meagre form of, for want of a better word, contentment. This quickly dissipated as I saw Harry see me.
I merged back into the shadows.
He looked away. Dear God, no! At least a hundred Dementors were entering the field. Harry stopped and looked at them. My insides froze with fear.
I saw Harry lose his balance and start to fall. No! Harry!
"Decraeseum" I shouted rashly, making Harry slow down before he hit the ground. Dumbledore was bound to notice it but I couldn't let anything happen to him.
I saw his Nimbus get caught on a gust of wind and hit the Whomping Willow. With incredible violence, the tree smashed it into two and battered it unmercifully.
What will Harry do now? I vaguely remembered something I saw in Hogsmeade as I had snuck through it. A mail order form in the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies. An idea formed in my mind. A small way to say sorry. I smiled and was gone.
"Password, you scurvy rascal!"
I grimaced asI read off the weeks passwords to the overeager knight in the portrait. I had an urge to slash his glib face but I felt guilty about The Fat Lady.
"Enter, yon sir!" I stole in. I had gotten the passwords from a sheet of paper that a small freckly kid had left about.
He looked like Frank Longbottom...Frank and I had known each other before. Killed by who people thought were my co-conspirators.
I slipped into the boys dormitory, sensing my way. I was up to the first kid. I leaned in closer, but I couldn't see through the hangings. I gre impatient. My reason evaporated and I flicked out my knife and slashed viciously at the curtains.
The red-haired boy woke up and looked at me for a second. I started to put a finger to my lips but he screamed a terrible, bloodcurlding scream that shook even me, with my Azkaban experience.
I transformed and bounded out of the Dormitory. I hadn't even seen my godson.
I saw him. Wormtail. Get Wormtail! Get Wormtail! Every inch of my canine body screamed.
I leaped towards him but overshot and landed on Harry. I didn't have time to feel sorry and lunged towards the boy that was holding Wormtail.
I clamped my jaws on him and started to drag the kicking bundle into The Whomping Willow. I could see Harry and bushy-hair following me dimly.
I finally reached the base of the willow. The red-head had wrapped his feet around a root. I did not have time to be considerate. I gave a mighty heave which was followed by a sickening crack that rent the air.
A raw energy had possessed me. Get Wormtail! Get Wormtail!
I dragged the boy onward through the passage. He had started to scream loudly. I dragged him up to The Shrieking Shack and up through the staircase. He bumped painfully on each stair.
I deposited red-head on the floor and Transfigured back.
Harry and bushy-hair came in a few seconds later. I dimly heard them talking. I turned and tried to grin at Harry.
"Expelliarmus." I croaked at them. I fixed my eyes on Harry and spoke to him.
I don't even clearly remember what I said. I wanted to tell him how much like James he was but I think he took it as mocking.
His ears started to go slightly red. I knew he was in a rage. James' ears were the same.
The conversation continued for a while. I was too focussed on Pettigrew. I can't even remember-...
He jumped on me and started hitting me.
"No...I've waited too long!" Get Wormtail! GET WORMTAIL!
My fingers closed around his throat. I don't understand how I could've-...Bushy hair kicked me, red-head grabbed my wand-hand and I let go.
Crookshanks tried to help me out. I remember him clawing and biting...
I ended up sprawled out, leaning on the wall. Harry was pointing his wand at me.
"Going to kill me, Harry?" I whispered.
Authors note:
Never fear, we've done a sequel. Get out and go read it!!