"Lily! Lily, wait up, hey!" I stopped and looked around to see who called me. "Damn, you're fast!"
"James, oh, hi." I said, not very enthusiastically.
It was my sixth year at Hogwarts. James and I had broken up seven times.
"Listen, Lils, I know we said 'no more' after the last time we broke up, but...please?" I looked into those melting brown eyes of his. "Please, Lils, we'll make it work. Go out with me." I sighed. "James we've been through this before. We always end up splitting up and being unhappy."
By now most of the school had turned out to watch the lastest installment of the James and Lily saga.
"So you're saying that you don't like me any more." I sighed again.
"No, James, I'm not."
"So you do like me?"
"Of course. I've gone out with you seven times over a period of six years, doesn't that say something?"
"Ah, the perfect couple is having a few problems, I see." The slick voice of Severus Snape glided over us.
"Shut up, Snape, this is none of your business." James snapped, a look of irritation and disgust on his face.
"Oh, and what exactly are you going to do, Potter? I might get a little a little forgetful of what I promised tongue might just run away with me." Snape said, smiling thinly.
"I'll see that it doesn't run too far, Snape." The rich baritone of Sirius Black interrupted. His face was set and grim.
Snape glared at Sirius. Sirius' hand twitched, wishing to reach for his wand.
One more second and they would be more-...
Rrring! Rrring! Rrring! The bell sounded in three harsh peals. I blew out my breath in relief.
"Transfiguration, let's go!" I said, shrilly.
Remus and Peter came up just then. Remus looked around quickly and apprised himself of the situation. He gave me a quick encouraging smile.
"Come on Sirius, let's go, McGonagall gets pissed so easily." He said in a falsely bright voice. Sirius looked away from Snape's face.
"Yeah, guess so..." He stomped off with Remus without even a second glance. James' eyes flickered. He seemed on the verge of saying something to Snape when a gang of Slytherins came up.
"Severus, what're you doing with these Gryffindors" A brown haired girl asked.
"Huh? Oh, nothing, nothing..." Snape said turning to her.
James caught his tongue. Severus turned and started walking away with his friends. He glanced back quickly and I saw him look at me.
I smiled. It was a reflex. To my surprise he smiled back.
I shivered. This was turning out to be one seriously odd day.
"But Sirius, what'll I do? What'll I do if she says no...I can't even think it..." Man, that James was desperate.
"That girl's got you hooked. You're dead meat either way." I replied.
"Sirius! This is important! Why can't you be a little more, um, I dunno, encouraging? I can't believe I chose a moron like you for a friend!"
I laughed. "Show's that you're the moron, doesn't it?"
He sighed impatiently and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "But Sirius, suppose she's really had enough?"
"Okay, James, let's start by examining why you guys broke up, which, by the way, I'm dying to know." He gave me an exasperated look.
"The first time...I don't even remember! Okay, I'll start with um...the time before, that time we broke up because Lily liked somebody else. She um, said that she didn't know if that person liked her but he sure wasn't going to ask her out if she was with me."
"Who did she like?"
"Mind your own business." I could see his ears go red. His glasses slipped off his nose. Something was embarassing him. "Anyway, the last time we broke up was because I um, she caught me, um...well..."
"Out with it, Prongs!" I exclaimed.
"She caught me staring at Mai know, the Ravenclaw..." His cheeks flushed.
"She has a brother in Ravenclaw too, right? Seeker?"
"Yeah." James said. I could see why he liked Mai, she was definately pretty and also nice.
If you want the truth, well, I like her. A lot. But I'm sort of, um, a little too shy to ask her out. I mean, what if she says no? And I can't even ask for help...what would it look like?
Sirius Black, the cool cat (or dog, as the case is), the untouchable, the suave...asking for help on asking out a girl? Yeah right.
"But I more than like Lily, Sirius. I mean, Mai's pretty and nice and all, but...Lily...Lily's perfect. God, that auburn hair! And those eyes...she must have got them from her mother, I mean, Dumbledore's eyes are so not green."
"Yeah, but she got his hair all right. He's cool, Dumbledore." I said.
"She has the most perfect name...Lily Dumbledore. Lily Dumbledore..."
I cleared my throat. "Lily Potter sounds better." I said, slyly.
James gave me a halfhearted punch and shook his head.
As we headed to the dorm for bed, I heard him whisper softly...
"Lily Potter."
As if it wasn't bad enough that I'm the Principal's daughter, I had to have a complicated love life, too...just utterly perfect.
I like James so much...too much. I don't think I could take it if we broke up again. It's so hurtful...I can't take hating him again.
I don't know how I could have liked I could have told James that, too. I'm heartless, aren't I? Telling my boyfriend that I like his best friend. God, I am such a monster.
But that hasn't come in the way of their friendship. James acts exactly the same...that's why I like him so much. He's so sweet...any other guy would have told his friend to go to hell.
Why does he like me anyway? He's James Potter, Gryffindor Seeker...he's even got a fan following!
Why should he want to go out with Lily Dumbledore, Principal's daughter, total nerd?
I know him the best. His best friend is Sirius, but James and I were friends too, really good friends. But love destroys friendship. Oh my God, I said! Is that what this is? Love...
I'm only sixteen years'm so mixed up. These are the times I wish I had a mother to talk to.
Dad never talks to me of her. Never. I don't even know her name. I could, if I wanted to, but something always stops me...
Maybe I'm just too scared of what I'll find out. Too afraid to face a dead mother. I wish she was here...but she's not. She's just a nameless, faceless woman. She might never have existed at all if I wasn;t proof of it.
I think Dad's got an enchantment on me...because whenever I try and ask people about my mother, their faces just go all clouded and they go away. I wish I had a normal father.
Not the Albus Dumbledore, saviour of the Muggles, protector of the Light. I wish that he didn't always know everything. I wish he was fallible sometimes...I wish he was more real.
I wish that he would do something bad for once. Everywhere I go I have to measure up. I have to be worthy of his name.
Lily, what would your father say? You have to live up to your name, Lily. You have to set an example, Lily. How could you do that, Lily? Why can't you be more like your father, Lily?
How I hate my name and what it stands for! I want to be me, not 'Dumbledore's daughter'. I don't want to be more like my father.
Whatever his virtues, good parenting certainly isn't one of them. He simply doesn't know what to do with a daughter. Puberty was a complete nightmare...
God, I do meander!
I think, if James asks me out again...I'll say yes...I mean, we'll make it work this time, right?
"Lily, Lils!" I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and I thought, and hoped, that she looked happy to see me.
"James! Hi..."
"Lily, have you thought about what I asked? Will you go out with me?" I sounded desperate, even to my ears.
"Yeah, James, I though about it a lot and..." Please, please, please! "And, yes, I will go out with you."
Yes! She was really going to go out with me again.
"Wow...that's great, Lils, and I promise, this time, it'll work. Promise."
She smiled but suddenly her expression darkened.
"James." I heard a beautiful voice say behind me. "James...hi..."
"Oh, Mai, hello." Perfect timing, Life, thanks a bunch.
"Are you coming for Quidditch practice? It's a trial match, Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor. I'm the new Keeper." She smiled at me and the edges of her oriental eyes crinkled.
"Oh, great, yeah, I'm coming." I said, hesitantly. Lily was still scowling. Then I had a blinding flash of inspiration. "Mai, hey, meet Lily Dumbledore, my girlfriend."
Lily smiled and Mai's face faltered. "Oh, nice to meet you, Lily."
"Likewise, Mai." I couldn't believe it...these two beautiful girls were jealous of each other, over me! Amazing...
They kept eyeing each other warily.
"Come on, Mai, let's go." I said. "Bye, Lils." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and she seemed gratified.
"So, you like this Lily-girl?" Mai asked, as we wakled down to the Quidditch field.
"Yeah...a whole lot."
"You know what, Mai? I'm going to marry her someday." I don't know why I said it, but I did. Mai looked surprised, but I was, more than her.
Saying it seemed to make it so possible.
"Lily Potter. Lily Potter."
I smiled. The future was all planned out.

Authors' note: *Midnight here*
Hope u liked this fic, 1st Lily/ James that we tried...and the bit 'bout Lily being Dumbledore's daughter is really pos cuz we know that Lily had auburn hair and when Harry goes into Tom Riddle's diary it says that Dumbledore used to have auburn hair too. Coincidence? We don't think so.
Pls r/r, it means a whole load to us. R/r our other fics and all pls!!
Don't tell us bout inconsistencies/typos etc, we only wanna know bout da writing. Technicalities don't really matter...we're not perfect typists, either..
Flamers burn in hell.
Thanx and hugz 2 all dose great souls who've reveiwed us, u rock ppls!
Thanx! *Midnight out!*