Well, the truth is I've always felt a little sorry for Tom Riddle...and that's why I wrote this...if you think it's interesting and want a sequel, write that in the reveiws or I'll just leave it at this.

"Why didn't you tell me before? How could you?" Thomas Riddle shouted. His wife, Salaya Marvolo Riddle sobbed in the corner.
"I-...I didn't know how you'd react! There's nothing wrong with being Magic!" She expostulated, between sobs. "There's nothing, nothing, nothing wrong!"
"No! Magic people are different! They're not like us- me. You're a- a witch- an aberration...a freak of nature! You...you're...different." Tom's face was aghast.
"Please, Tom, why throw away happiness just for such a tiny, little problem? I'm not going back to doing magic..it's a sacrifice I made for you. Don't you understand what a huge sarcifice I made? I, who value being a pure-blood above all else, I, have married not just a Muggle-born, but a Muggle!" She wiped the tears of her face.
"No! Your child- will be magic! I know it. Stay away! I'm leaving!" He flings open the door and leaves into the dark night.
"Please, think of the child, Tom! " She waits a moment, listening to the sounds of the angry storm outside. She gets up, closes the door and sits down. "I'll never leave you, Tom...I'll never leave you." She says, patting her large stomach. "Mummy will always be here. It's not Daddy's fault...Mummy should have told him....she should have explained before...she should have explained before."
"Come on, Salaya! Push! I can see a head!" The head gynaecologist says. Salaya screamed and sweat rolled down her temples.
"Nurse! Forceps! This one's big!" He stops and looks at Salaya. "Oh God, Salaya, Salaya listen! Don't quit on me!"
"Doctor, her pulse rate's dropping too quick. We could lose her...It shouldn't be dropping. There's nothing else wrong." The Nurse says.
"No, dammit! Salaya, keep awake!" The doctor gives a mighty heave and the baby is out.
Salaya gasps and then smiles. "Tom...call him Tom Marvolo Riddle." She gasps. "My Tom...I've left a letter...when he's eleven...sorry" She starts to mumble incoherently. Her voice fades into a racking cough and her eyes roll up in her sockets.
It starts to cry, angered at being driven into this hostile, pitiless world.
"Salaya, you have a boy, a beautiful baby boy!" The doctor says, desperate. "Look, look at Tom!"
"Doctor...pulse rate...zero. She's gone." The nurse says, softly. The doctor jumps up and starts pacing.
"Doctor...she's clinically dead." Another nurse says, softly.
"Oh, God! Who's the next of kin?" The doctor asks, defeated.
"She didn't have any..."
"But then who...what shall we do with the baby? Tom?" He asks.
"Adoption...it's the only way."
"Hey, Riddle, come over here!" A large boy with sandy brown hair calls. "Is it true this is your third Home?" Trembling, I nod.
"Can't you speak, midget?" A blond boy asks. "And what kind of a screwed up name is that? Marvolo Riddle? Where are you from, the Dark Ages?" The others laughed.
"My- my mother named me..." I say, gulping.
"Oh yeah? Then why're you here, Riddle?"
"She died..." I say, my voice full with emotion.
"Are you gonna cry, Riddle? Are ya? Cry baby!" The boy with sandy hair taunts. "Now listen here, I'm Ricky, that's Joe." He says, indicating the blond boy. "And that's Eddie. And anytime any one of us wants something, you get it, all right? Or else we'll break your head in! Simple enough, ditz?"
"Hey! Give the kid a break! He's five years old. C'mon, Tom." A fourteen year old girl says, standing in front of me. "Tom, I'm Kayla. So, where are you from?"
"I- I dunno...I never knew my mama...she left me a letter...but I can only read it once I turn eleven..." I say, in a childish sort of tone. "I don't like them."
"Look, Tom, I'm not always gonna be around...just keep your head low and do what they say. They're dangerous...even to me."
I look up...I can feel my lip tremble.. "I want my mama...I miss her!" Kayla smiles at me tearfully.
"It's okay Tom...we all do. We all do." She says, hugging me and patting my head softly...like a mother. "We all do..."
"Hey Riddle! Come here a minute..." Joe called. Eddie, Ricky and he were advancing towards him with cricket bats in their hands.
I took one look at them and sprung lightly out the ground floor window onto a bed of petunias. Today was my tenth birthday. I didn't look quite right for ten. Still quite short with the untamable mop of black hair on my head.
Kayla was the only one who had given me a card. It was crude and handmade but I kept it safely under my pillow. It was one of the most beautiful things I owned.
Kayla was almost eighteen...the age where you leave the adoption centre. I shuddered every time I thought of that day. It fell much too soon. Yet, now and then I felt isolated. Her world of teenagers and laughter had to stop when she saw me.
I could feel that she was ashamed to say hello to me in school. Ashamed because I was only ten and not 'cool' for her to know. I avoided meeting her when she was with her group. Yet when she was alone with me she was so normal...so caring. The Kayla I knew.
I think I was in love with her. Yes, most definately. She was the only living creature alive who showed something other than indifference towards me. She was beautiful too. Her raven coloured hair was always done up in tiny braids. Her dark skin glowed and her eyes sparkled with life.
Yes...if it was one quality I remember about Kayla it was the life that always exuded from every portion of her being. Even when she was scolding you or angry with you her mouth seemed to twitch at not being able to smile. Kayla was never without that glimmer of a smile on her face.
"You can run, Riddle! You can escape with those fast little legs of yours, but we'll get you in the end. That's a promise!" The echo of Eddie's voice reaches you at your hiding place behind some dustbins. You shake off Eddies threats and go find Kayla.
They had finally caught me. I was cornered. Up against an empty bookshelf in the old library.
Eddie and Ricky waved their cricket bats menacingly. "So...you're always hiding underneath Kayla's little skirt, well, surprise! Kayla isn't here to bail you out you little weasel." Joe laughed.
I closed my eyes and wished...prayed that something would happen. I heard a humunguous crash and flicked my eyes open. A bookshelf collapsed on tip of Joe and Ricky. Eddie's trying to push it up.
I decide it's better to run for it before Eddie tries to vent his rage on you. I slinked quietly out of the library and sighed with relief. Lately, strange things had been happening to me...
On our last school trip to the Zoo I talked to a King Cobra. It told me how it yearned to be back in the forests. Suddenly, a few bars of the cage disappeared and you remember the snake saying thankyou and good luck.
Tomorrow is my eleventh birthday. I don't care. I won't get a single card this year...Kayla left, a couple of days back. It's been so empty since then. So cold and dismal.
As I place my head on the lumpy pillow, my back protests the hard, inflexible matress. I sit up again and go get a drink of water. I can't sleep and I feel restless. I pace the floor of the boys dormitory.
The doorbell rings. It rings again. The Supervisor, Mr. Arthur, answers it in his dressing-gown. You see a flash of blue.
"Police! What are they doing here?" You mutter. Mr. Arthur's face is ashen. He puts a hand to his forehead. "What? What's wrong?" I ask.
He looks at me and sighs. "Kayla...she was killed...a drive-by shooting." My heart stops beating. A chill spreads from there, to my mind and to my limbs.
"You Damned Muggles!" I scream, loudly. I wonder dimly, why I'm screaming words I just don't know. It just seemed appropriate and instincive.
"You Damned Muggles!" I scream, right in Mr. Arthur's face. "One day...the whole WORLD will pay!" The words form in my mouth and flow out.
The clock strikes 12 midnight. A silent owl arrives. ~*~*~*~*