This is the second part of Tom Marvolo Riddle's story. You'll meet a lot of ancestors of present day characters in the story. It is revealed why he hates the Potters so much.

"Marvolo Riddle, Tom!" A tall, stern teacher man calls. My legs feel like jelly. I am afraid that this is all a beautiful dream. But dreams are, as we all know, so out of reach once they're gone.
I think I stood up and walked towards the little stool. All I remember is a sea of faces, looking at me. I sat down and a rough fabric-hat was pulled over my head.
"Tom Marvolo Riddle...I can see it all in your head!" I gasp. The hat is- talking to me. "Yes, greatness and power...I cannot reveal it to you..."
"What? Tell me!" I whispered, very softly.
"Patience! Yes, the house that you are in, is most certainly SLYTHERIN!"
It screeches the last word at the hall.
The Slytherin table clapped loudly. It's symbol was the serpent, silhouetted against green and silver. A flicker of a smile caught my face. Looking at all the people I felt that I really belonged.
I sat next to a girl with long black hair and a nervous look and a boy with the coldest, greyest eyes I had ever seen. Obviously she was new. She gave me a quick smile and outstretched her hand.
"Drusyll Verloen." She said.
"And I am Marcus Malfoy." The grey eyed boy said, with more than a touch of hauteur.
"Tom. Tom Marvolo Riddle." Marcus Malfoy raised his eyebrow and goggled at me.
"Not Salaya's son? Oh, dear, I can see you are. Those green eyes and black hair. Salaya's son for sure." He said, eyeing him.
"You mean the one who became a Muggle?" Drusyll whispered. "By Magic, I wouldn't have thought it!"
"So, Riddle, where is your mother?" Marcus asked.
"Dead. She died giving birth to me." I said. "Did you know her- my mother?" I asked, eager to know.
"I don't talk of deserters." Marcus said and turned his back on me. For the first time I felt ashamed of being who I was.
I felt ashamed of having a mother who was a traitor and a Muggle father. A father who had never cared. My mothers letter had explained it all. I turned to Drusyll. She was looking at me with an expression between distaste and sympathy.
I looked back to the sorting.
"Potter, Gregory."
A boy with untidy, sticking up hair and a smiling face walked up. He put on the hat.
"GRYFFINDOR!" It shouted. The boy smiled and went to the Gryffindor table. Most seemed to know him and they gave him a warm welcome. I looked at Marcus and felt a twinge of jealousy towards Gregory Potter.
"Clearwater, Rieven!"
A girl with sweeping, shiny black hair was being walking toward the stool. The hat was barely on her head. Her eyes opened wide with surprise. The hat was speaking to her...I could tell.
"RAVENCLAW!" It screamed. At that moment I wished violently that I was in Ravenclaw.
"Tom, you idiot! Tom, shut up, you idiot! You don't even know her!" I screamed at myself inside my mind. "Besides, we're all in one school, right?"
How wrong I turned out to be.
So much rivalry existed between the houses...especially Slytherin and Gryffindor. Most people seemed to hate the Slytherins. I was unhappy, the Slytherins looked down on my impure blood and the other houses hated my house.
I started spending a lot of time working and studying. A lot of time in the library. I also liked going there because of Rieven Clearwater. She spent a lot of time there, in that library. I found out most extraordinary things...I found out, through some of mother's old papers and some books that Marvolo, my grandfather, could be traced back to Salazar Slytherin himself.
That meant that my mother's full name would have been Salaya Marvolo Slytherin. It meant that through my veins coursed the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself. I read up on Salazar's beliefs, on his life...anything I could find.
He was a relative that I could be proud of. Every experience I've had with Muggles has been terrible. The father that wouldn't stay with me, the boys who wanted to murder a poor five year old...the only Muggle that was good was Kayla...and they killed her.
The Muggles didn't appreciate life. They killed one of the most beautiful human beings there was...they didn't deserve to live. Slowly, hatred festered in me. Like bloody wounds on my soul.
"Tom..." I looked up. Rieven Clearwater stood in front of me. My heart quaked.
"Yes, Rieven?" I tried to keep my voice normal but I don't think it worked.
"Why do you stay in the library so much? Why aren't you with your Slytherin friends?" She asked, sitting opposite me.
"I like the library...besides, what Slytherin friends. They hate me." I said. The words rushed out of my mouth. I hadn't talked to anyone in weeks.
"Why?" She asked. Her face had an expression of loathing and also interest.
"Don't you know? My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. My mother was Salaya, the traitor, the Muggle." I said, heavily. The bitterness was evident, I suppose. I hated my mother for putting me through this meaningless life.
Rieven looked shocked. "But surely...they don't hate you for that? It's not something you could control!"
"They do not seem to care." I said. Rieven was looking at me. She laughed. "What's so funny?"
"'s just you seem..I don't a Ravenclaw. You're not like other Slytherins." She smiled.
"The Hat doesn't make mistakes." I said, shortly.
"Do you hate people with impure blood? Do you hate Muggles?" She asked.
"I loathe, I detest Muggles." I said with venom.
She looked taken aback at my fierceness. I was momentarily sorry. She was only eleven and a bit years old...I, I felt like I was a hundred at least.
"Muggles haven't been very good to you, have they?" She asked, softly. There was understanding in her brown eyes. I looked into them and froze for an instant. My breath froze.
"Kayla...Kayla..." I choked. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I scrambled out of the library.
I ran and ran and finally stopped behind a huge bar. The tears poured out in torrents and a wall of emotion broke through me. I had never cried for Kayla. I finally did.
When I finally stopped I felt someone squeezing my shoulder gently. I turned. It was Rieven. My cheeks burned with shame and embarrassment. She had seem me cry like a four year old. It would be all around school tomorrow.
"It's okay, Tom..." She said, looking at me flush. "I won't tell anyone."
"What did you call me back there, in the library?" She asked.
"Kayla. I called you Kayla. Your eyes...were just like hers." I stopped for breath. "She was the only person who ever- cared."
"Come, Tom, let's be friends." She said, straightening up.
"A Ravenclaw and a Slytherin?" I asked, a trace of a smile on my lips.
"A Ravenclaw and a Slytherin." She confirmed.
"Tom! Tom, the scores are out! I got your scores!" Rieven shouted, waving a package.
I jumped up and snatched it from her. "Thanks!" I tore the score sheet open. "Top score, Defence against the dark Arts, 125%. Lowest is Divination, a lousy 92%!" I said, laughing.
"Oh, damn! That's the best scores in the whole second year exam! You really should have been in Ravenclaw!" She squealed. I smiled happily.
The time had come to tell her. To reveal his emotions, to lay his soul bare.
"Rieven, come with me. I need to talk to private."
I ignored her puzzled glance and led her to an old abandoned tower which no-one used. "If Dippet finds us, we're dead!" She said. Armando Dippet was our Headmaster. Dippy Dippet.
"Rieven...we've been friends for two're my best friend." I stopped, unsure of how to continue. "I...Rieven...I mean to say that, uh, I..."
"What, Tom?" She asked, gently.
"Rieven...the thing is...I really like you. Really, really, really." I said. Her face looked surprised.
"B-but you...never told me!" Her face was white and unhappy looking. I knew something was wrong.
"What's wrong, Rieven?" I asked, sharply. Perhaps too sharply. She burst into tears.
"B-but Tom...I...I'm so sorry." She sniffed. "T-Tom, I think I'm in love with Gregory Potter." She sobbed.
My face contorted. "Gregory Potter?" I hissed. Suddenly I hated him. I hated the Gryffindors. I hated the Ravenclaws. "Isn't he a Muggle-born?"
"Y-Yes." She said, trembling. That finished it. I hated Muggles. They were the cause of all problems in this world.
"P-please T-tom, I still want to b-be fr-friends." She said. I looked at her and smiled.
Except that it didn't look like a smile. It was a curling snarl. My eyes hardened and my face set in stone. It would remain like that forever.
"Goodbye Rieven." I said. It was like saying goodbye to life.