This is the third part in Tom Marvolo Riddle's story. Here's where he turns dark. Please reveiw!!

I was sitting in Transfiguration and twirling my wand idly. The class was taught by the head of Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore. I spelled out 'Kayla' with my wand. Then I spelled 'Rieven'.
I slashed accross her name so hard that I upset some books on my table. Dumbledore stared at me. I hated those eyes of his. They looked...I don't know...into you.
But then most people stared at my eyes. They were the palest, lightest green with darker rings around the irises. They even scared me, sometimes. I stared right back at him and mumbled. "Accio!" At my fallen books.
Albus continued teaching the class. I started spelling out my name. I glared at it...wishing so hard I could change it. The filthy name of my Muggle father. The father who had never cared. A bitter taste came into my mouth. I, who had the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself!
Some letters started to melt away...finally all that were left were 'l' 'o' 'r' and 'd'. I started. Lord...that could be interesting. I fiddled with my wand again. I am Lord worked out fine...just the rest...didn't fit.
I swapped the letters around again. Then I stopped. A cruel smile played accross my lips. A person made out of pure hate and darkness. The Lord of Darkness. The greatest Wizard in the world. I laughed softly.
"I am Lord Voldemort."

I walked into The Great Hall. I looked up. It was a stormy night outside. Just perfect. I walked over to the Slytherin table. Instead of sitting at the edge, as I used to do, I sat near the head. One day, I would sit at the head instead of Marcus Malfoy. One day soon...
"Why, Tom, hello..." Drusyll smiled. I noticed for the first time the angles on her face and her silky black hair. I smiled back confidently. She looked taken aback by the change in my demeanor.
"Hello Drusyll." My voice had changed, too. I elongated every sibilant slightly and it came out as a low, menacing hiss. Her eyes flickered and then she smiled.
"'ve changed." She said, sitting down next to me and pulling her chair closer. Her behaviour had changed too. "I used to think that you were- you know...queer." She scrunched up her nose at the last word.
I was about to reply when Marcus Malfoy and his bunch of goons came in. Gregory Potter got up and talked softly to Malfoy.
Malfoy's face contorted and he said "I thought you were a Muggle-lover." He sneered. "You're a disgrace to wizards everywhere..." He said, slowly.
"No, Malfoy, you're the disgrace!" Potter said, through his teeth. A crowd was gathering around them. I lifted to my feet and pushed my way behind Malfoy.
I moved my body in front of his and flashed a hard smile at Potter. "Now, now, Potter, you should be careful when you talk to a Slytherin..." I said, in my soft hiss.
Gregory looked taken aback. I had always been rather quiet. I gave him a full blast of my glare.
"Or you'll do what?" He said, recovering.
I drew out my wand slowly. "Do you really want to know Potter? We do have to eat after this, you know." I said, running my finger along it. Several Slytherins in Marcus' gang smiled appreciatively.
Potter looked about to burst. He groped for something to say and then just made a noise in his throat. "Slytherins!" He exclaimed. turning to go back.
I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around. He wasn't expecting it and spun around, wobbling. "What did you say about Slytherins...?" I demanded, my eyes narrowing.
"DIPPET'S COMING!" Andrew Diggory, a Hufflepuff, shouted.
Suddenly everyone was back at their seats, starting to eat. I glanced up and saw Rieven staring, white-faced, at me. I walked slowly back to the Slytherin table.
"Hey, Riddle!" Marcus called. "Riddle- Tom, that was pretty good."
"I know, Malfoy." I said, in a commanding voice. He looked angry for a second and then his shoulders slumped slightly.
"Let's be friends, Riddle." He said, extending his cold, pale hand. I took it in my own and felt him flinch.
My hand was colder than his.

"Quietly, you imbecile! Do you want the whole world to know?" I said, fixing Malfoy with my gaze. "Did you get the...article I required?"
He placed a nondesript black diary onto the Common Room table. I smiled.
"Now leave me, Malfoy." I said, caressing the pages of the diary.
"Yes, my Lord." He inclined his head slightly and scuttled away. I could see the fear in his eyes.
The fear had been there in all my followers eyes ever since I showed them my power. I had performed the Unforgivable curses on a rooster. It was going to die, anyway. Followers need reminders of Power. Everything was ready for the final blow. The roosters were dead and their blood was in jars in my room. Blood would be required for writing on the paint would do, but people quaked at the sight of blood. The students were scared and nervous, the teachers fatigued and everyone on the brink of giving up. One mighty push and they'd go.
I had found the Chamber of Secrets weeks ago. My ancestor had created it for the purpose of eradicating this school of Mudbloods and Muggles. Rieven wouldn't die. She was a pure blood. I had something special planned for Rieven.
I picked up the diary and slipped out of the Common Room and towards my goal. Salazar had hidden The Chamber so well. The entrance was from a tiny girls bathroom. It was difficult to gain access to it.
To be found there would, of course, be very embarrassing. I looked around. There was nobody in sight. Everyone was inside their Common Rooms, shivering with fright.
I slipped inside and stared at one of the copper taps. A small snake was carved into it.
I concentrated on the eyes of the snake and said. "Open!" Instead, a long drawn out hiss escaped my lips.
The tap glowed glimmering white and began to spin around and around. The sink moved gently out of sight and exposed a large pipe.
I stepped into it confidently. I had been there many times before. I swooshed down the slimy pipe, which sloped downwards. the pipe levelled out and I pushed my legs forward so I would land properly.
I looked around and smiled. The dark, slime-ridden walls didn't matter, for in the dim chamber lay the perfect weapon of fear. I walked quickly down the dark tunnel.
"Lumos." I said, and held out my wand. I didn't really need it. I had every inch of this under-lake tunnel memorised. I turned the final bend and my smile widened.
I came to a solid, rock wall. Two serpents were entwined in the center. Their wide emerald eyes glittered and reflected a greenish light. I sidled up to them and gently touched the walls.
"Hello my little guardians! Open for the Heir of Slytherin!" I said. The words came out in Parseltongue without me having to concentrate. Such real snakes...
"Nox!" The light went out.
The serpents jerked away from each other and took the walls with them. I entered into a dimply lit chamber. It's height was fathomless and the ceiling blended into dark shadow. Tall, twisted pillars made of a green coloured stone-marble extended grandly to the top. Weird, greenish shadows spiked the floors.
I went up to the Pillars and looked up. A stone face of Salazar Slytherin was carved high into the rock and darkness.
"Speak to me Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four!" I hissed. The massive face started grinding softly.
The mouth elongated...wider and wider to make a deep black void. A huge snake slithered out of the mouth.
It hit the floor of the chamber with a dull thud that shook the walls. The Basilisk lay at my feet. It didn't look at me.
"I have stopped you from killing thus far....I give you that rein now. Kill one. Only one. A girl." The Basilisk shifted it's tail in what I assumed to be assent. It slithered into the large pipe and in a creak, disappeared.
I cleaned myself off and sighed. I arranged my face into a vulnerable expression and practiceed my eager look. I took out my silver Prefect's badge and polished it quickly. I had to be word perfect with Old Dippet if my plan was to work...

"Marvolo Riddle, Tom." Dippet called. I strode up the platform and took my Hogwarts diploma from Armando. The meaningless, worthless piece of paper with that hated name on it.
Dippy Dippet smiled widely. Head Boy, perfect manners, top scores and I had even caught the person responsible for the Death of the Girl...Myrtle something or other. I had achieved the highest score ever in my N.E.W.T's. There was sparse applause from the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables but thunder from the Slytherin. I smiled at them all.
I felt a sense of relief. I could finally come away from Hogwarts and that suspicious old coot Dumbledore. I looked at my scores and laughed at the irony. Best in a school that I knew I would someday destroy.
I looked away and found Dumbledore staring at me. I looked away. No need to hide anything now. I would soon be gone.
As the Leaving Feast ended and I walked into the grounds, someone grabbed my arm. A shiver ran up my spine.
"Tom." She said. "Tom, please...we may never see each other again." I turned slowly, my eyes hard.
"Tom, I'm so sorry...I wish things could have turned out differently. You're the best friend I ever had." She said, tears forming in her eyes. "Please...let us part as friends. The past is forgotten."
She held out her hand and smiled. My fingers trembled to clutch it, to say things to explain. I saw Gregory Potter staring at us. My fingers ceased to tremble.
I looked Rieven in the eyes for a few seconds. I let my glance slip off her face and mist over. I saw Drusyll Verloen.
"Okay...bye, Rieven." I said, casually, acting as if I didn't care. Her face twisted.
I walked past her to Drusyll. "Dru..." I said, softly. I bent over her and kissed her passionately. Her eyes widened in surprise but she kissed me back.
In my arms her face melted into Rieven's, her hair, her cheeks were all Rieven's...she turned into the woman that I loved.
"We'll never see each other again." Rieven stood behind me and whispered. She trembled slightly and then turned to leave.
That's where you're wrong, Rieven. We're going to see each other very, very soon.