The fourth installment of Tom Riddle's story. Please, please, please, please reveiw!!!

"No! Please, Tom, please! I beg you! For the sake of our friendship!" Rieven pleaded. The look in her eyes...the haunting, fear-swelled look...
"Those who betray me meet with the same fate." I said, staring at her face. It was perfect except for a narrow trickle of blood running down one side.
Yet that was perfection too...the dark red against her glowing skin...I shook myself out of my stupid daydream.
I drew out a tiny vial and let a few drops of her blood drip into it thickly. "For rememberance..." I said.
Her eyes were pale, feverish. "Is Gregory- is he- did you k-kill him?" She asked. Rage welled up in me as I heard the note of tenderness in her voice.
"Don't worry, Rieven, I will." I said. "Cruicio!" I needed to see her suffer.
Suffer as bad as I did...for her, for Kayla, for my parents...for my life. She shattered my one last hope...
I turned and walked back down the corridor. Rieven's screams followed me down.
"Kill her, Malfoy." I said to my masked and black robed minion. I hesitated. "Quickly." I said, looking away abruptly.
Marcus Malfoy's eyebrow twitched up in surprise but he scurried up, eager to comply with the Dark Lord's wishes.
For a second, Rieven's screams grew louder, then suddenly, they stopped.
I fell to my knees and cursed.

I underwent many terrible transformations to achieve my goal of immortality. The Philosopher's Stone and Elixir of life still eluded my best attempts to obtain them.
That fool Albus Dumbledore knew the inventor, Nicholas Flamel. I would get it someday. I bore the pain of the transformations. It would be worth it. If I became not fully human I would never fully die.
Through the transformations I wrought a new face for myself. The face that had been inside me all this time...
I looked in the mirror. My slit-like red eyes glared fiercely back at me. My snake-like appearance would frighten anyone, I knew.
I no more looked like that Mudblood Potter. I had traced his life through all it's turns yet one facet of it eluded me. I could find nothing on his mother, Selena. Her family was a mystery, it was as if it did not exist. There were partial records, but they were fake. No Muggle could have found out, but I knew.
It came clear one morning when I re-read a part of my mothers' diary. There were numerous erasures and crossings-out.
"Aparecium!" And then I saw.
Hysterical laughter filled the room. Such utter, utter irony I had never imagined. My ribs hurt from laughing.
"My everything...alright?" Malfoy asked. I looked at him with a smile on my face.
"No...actually everything's not alright." I stopped laughing altogether. "Did you know my mother had a squib for a sister? They abandoned her with some wouldn't even be of importance except that-..." I frothed over with laughter again. "That this squib later became Selena Potter."
Malfoy's face dropped. He was utterly scandalised. Potter, my cousin. Almost a brother. How unfair this was. Potter not only was my blood-cousin, but had family, friends, love...and he had Rieven too...
How could one person have so much and another so little...How could life and fate be so cruel? I need not ponder these things. The only way to survive Life and survive Fate was to become more cruel than they could possibly be.
I knew that. That is why...I am Lord Voldemort.

"My Lord...the Potter is dead."
"Fool!" I said, and kicked him. "Fool! How can he be dead?" The cowering form yelped.
"Sir, he died of exhaustion....outside Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts!" I hissed. "Why Hogwarts?" I pulled the messenger towards me. "WHY HOGWARTS?" I thundered.
"Your Lordship...sir, please, he had a child- boy...with him. He was taken inside Hogwarts, my Lord. I beg pardon, my Lord." He cowered. I let go of him.
"Rieven's child..." I whispered. "Rieven's child...never! Rieven is mine...she can't, mustn't have Potter's child. GO, LEAVE ME!" I shouted to the messenger.
" can't be true...Rieven, you can't...oh, please, please..." I started to shake and cry.
I kept mumbling and whispering under my breath. I looked at my reflection in a dirty puddle of water.
"The great Lord Voldemort." I mocked at myself.
No! Not Voldemort...Tom. The real you. Tom. A voice inside my head intoned. I had been plagued by that voice.
"Shut up!" I screeched. "Shut up! I am Lord Voldemort!"
Lord Voldemort is only a different Tom. You can't lose him forever. Lose him and you lose you...
I knew the voice was right. For after all, wasn't Voldemort made out of Tom? I shook my head. Enough fantasy. Work to be done...
I could not kill the original Potter...but I would definately kill this one. I would have my vengeance against him and against the world.
"My Lord, we are ready to apparate outside the orphanage." Malfoy slid in and said.
"Excellent..." I laughed. The orphanage would be the first to feel my wrath. "Let us hasten."

"Argh!" I twisted awake yet again. I could still see Rieven's eyes. They kept haunting me...torturing me. Her eyes were a cornflower blue. She had liked mine...Tom's, eyes.
Her eyes were a recurring nightmare. I thanked Magic fervently that Potter didn't have her eyes...I might not be able to kill him then. James Potter.
"My Lord, are you..-?"
"I'm fine." Malfoy...not Marcus, he was long dead. Lucius Malfoy. He served me now. He was the closest I had to a friend. "Just a- nothing."
"The Potters have decided to use the Fidelius Charm, my Lord..." He said, quietly.
"Damn them! Their Secret-Keeper will be Sirus Black. He will never reveal it to us! He is such a loyal fool." I swore again and paced the room.
"My Lord...might not we be able to ah, make him tell us?" Lucius asked.
"I do not think so Lucius...he will not be tempted or cajoled. He would rather die for those two...I forget, now there are three."
"Yes, my Lord, a boy. Harry." Lucius spat.
"I must have them, Lucius! I must kill them!" I screamed and grabbed his robes. He shrunk and started to shake slightly. "I will have them!"

"My Lord, I have the Potters." A high, trembling voice said. "They made me their Secret-Keeper."
I laughed. Finally. "Pettigrew, you have done better than I expected...but, this must be handled with care..."
I stopped and paced the room...perhaps...
An idea grew in my mind. "I have just had an idea, Wormtail. After I kill the will kill Sirius Black."
I smiled. Wormtail trembled. I regarded him with distaste. He was a coward.
" Lord..I c-can't-..." He stuttered.
"You idiot, Wormtail! You will make sure the people against us kill him. You will make sure that they think that he was my spy." I smiled again.
Pettigrew looked mortified. "H-how my lo-lordship?" His face was white.
"Oh...why that, that is the easiest part Pettigrew." I smiled. He would like this part.
"By dying, Wormtail. By dying."

****Please please please reveiw! I don't get enough reveiws! Thanx to the people who do reveiw! Tell me if anything's wrong or anything! Do read my other stories/poems, also! Thanks!*******