Fire in the Midnight Sky

Fire in the Midnight Sky is a wonderful, excellent, marvellous, beautiful web design company.
Okay, it's a cool web design company.
It's called so because of the people who form our little company, namely Dragonfire, Erinye Midnight and Lia Skyrie. We took Fire from Dragonfire, Midnight from Erinye Midnight and Sky from Lia Skyrie.
Cool, huh?
Okay, well, it's a relatively new company, but we're growing quickly. Besides, there are only three people running it.
All our websites are *special*.
Some websites which one of the group members make may NOT have the logo on it, that's because it's not a *special* site.
Here are our sites so far, please visit them cuz we think they're *wow*. **registers her astonishment at the works of art that demented minds create**
Oh, and some sites have others inside them...

Meet us...*or our imaginings of us!!*