About Me Just a little warning...this is OOC, I am NOT Erinye Midnight here, just me...
Which might be scarier than you think.
Okay let's start off with basics...I love Blink 182, Eminem, The Bloodhound Gang, Dr Dre and Metallica.
My favourite authors are *duh* Jk Rowling, Richard Bach and Erich Segal.
My favourite characters are Draco Malfoy and Tom Marvolo Riddle.
I am a loyal supporter of the Dark Lord. *well I would be if he existed!!*
Uh, what else?
Yeah, I'm in Grade Nine and I'm 13 years old.
I adore creative writing, English, French, Transfiguration and Biology.
AH AH AH! Didya miss it?!
Read more carefully you blind git!
I grew up in England and DETEST America, no offense. *ahem?*
I have glasses which I don't wear, my fave colours are purple and black and I write angst fiction.
I hate happy cheerful mindless drone-people. If you're one, get the hell OUT!
I swear like hell, and if you don't like it tough shit.
People call me a bitch, and I'm goddam proud of it, yeah!
My best friend is Dragonfire.
I believe in True Love, Absolute Evil, Intensity, Dragons, Magic, Impossibility, Hatred and things like that.
I hate superficiality.
I hate the world because it's full of imbeciles.
I believe in deeper thought.
I love reading. With a passion!
Gotten sick yet? Wow, you are way resilient!
I don't believe in marriage.
Oh yeah, I have black hair which is slightly wavy, deep brown eyes and tanned skin.
Anything else you want to know about be you nosy shit?
Oh, here are my/my friends owls, the ones marked with *'s are main ones....
You wanna know my real name? Lotsa luck. Even I don't know it.
I believe in alternate realities (richard bach's 'One'--->wow!) and I'm an atheist.
I believe in freedom of speech.
Shut up, for Magic's sake, this is starting to sound like Savage Garden's Affirmation.
Which I love, by the way. Oh yeah, go to SuperCool Liquid if you want more affirmation-sounding stuff...
I also wish I could live in Harry Potter's world and be a Non-Muggle but unfortunately I can't.
That's depressed me...
Well, more than usual, anyway.
So what are ya here for, genius?
If you're a Muggle, then just Leave!
Wait a second...
What's a Muggle doing here, anyway?

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