No, ingrates, it's not a label.
Haven't you heard of chemistry before? The world is populated by morons.
Just playin'.
It means glass.
Life is like glass, it can be clear, murky, cracked, dirty or clean. Life, like glass, can shatter and can reform.
Life can sometimes tear you and hurt you.
Life is glass.
Humans spend their meagre existence throwing rocks at it.

My name is...unimportant. I am known as many different things to many different people.
Appearance is reality.
You may call me Megaera. If you know me from another place, I will explain my name.
Megaera is one of the Furies, or Erinye's, bestowers of justice.
May have called them evil and cruel, but in the immortal words of the unnamed reporter, they were just "doing their job".
You may also know me as Erinye. They are very different people and yet so much the same.
Justice is sorely needed in our frail world.
The images we see are mere reflections of shattered glass.
Unmelded, so breathtaking, but together would form harmony.
I believe that there is no perfection in imperfection.
I believe in Pure Love and Pure Hate.
I don't believe in God or a concept of a controlling power.
I am, however, spiritual, and respectful of people's spiritual/religious veiws.
My life. A point of veiw.

If you would like to know more about me, I suggest you visit my Cliques.
They capture who I am.
If you're nosy and want to know more *real* stuff about me go here.
To look inside of me, you may read my poetry.
I do not write happy stories. Happy people annoy me.
I also love Harry Potter Fanfiction.
Mediocrity is a fate worse than death.
People think many things about me, some good, some bad.
I don't want to care about them and each day I spend striving to attain independence, self respect and confidence.
I find these three attributes very important in a person.
Nice people are intolerable.
The world would be a much better place without human beings.

Purple should be the universal colour.
Intensity, passion, rage, depth.
Purple has it all.
I also adore Eminem.
I believe in Fantasy, Magic, Faeries, Dragons, Wizards and Witches.
In the words of a fellow Fanfiction writer, Flourish "Humankind can stand only so much reality."
Want to read some more cool Quotes?
You can also go to Slytherin's Hollow, my HP FanSite.
I think you've listened to me for long enough.
If any blinding new flashes of insight come upon me I will update.
May humanity not kill you before your time.

Slytherin's Hollow Quotes Cliques Poetry FanFiction Eminem Mail