Muggles and Mudbloods beware! The Dark Lord has risen again and Slytherins army rises with him!

Slytherins Hollow

Welcome to Slytherin's Hollow. I am Erinye Midnight, daughter of Darkness.
Visit the Sites of Erinye Midnight and her companions...
Take a pinch of floo powder and continue on and explore the rest of the floo network.

Midnight Angels Dark Arts Classes
A part of Wyndelinn, educates the young Dark Wizard in the Dark Arts. A very good- ahem, bad school.
Slytherin's Castle
Now called Midnight Manor. Home of Erinye Midnight and a few other people...
Sherbet Lemon
An archive of mine and Dragonfire's fiction. Mostly fanfiction about Harry Potter...some poetry too. Have a look...
About Me
The real me this time, folks. I'm sure you're *dazzlingly* interested to learn about me, Angel of Darkness. Ahem, yes...just READ it, you Muggle-loving Potterfans!
Avada Kedavra
A site run by a friend in connection to mine. Go there to become part of the Dark Lord's Circle.

PortKey's to Sites not connected to the Slytherin's Hollow Floo Network DragonFire's Lair
The home of my good friends Dragonfire and her other personalities...utterly mad.
Wyndelinn School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
A great Hogwarts RolePlaying Game set in Wyndelinn! The FIRST website to come up with the idea. Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, Knockturn Alley, Minsitry of Magic, Atlantis City, chat, forums, get sorted, common rooms, random situations, ghosts graveyard, offices, Quiz, towers and MORE. *yup, believe it or not, phew!*

Non Harry Potter
Um, much as can be expected...I'm an addict.
Most of this stuff is PG13, so please kids, STAY AWAY!
An exclusive clique for writers/poets. Have a look around and if you think you stand a chance, apply!
A list of Dragonfire, Lia and mine's favourite quotes. Be careful, they are all *evil*....::grins wickedly:: We love 'em!
The Devil's Workshop
No, it's not my Satan worship website. This is an archive for some of my poetry. I like reveiws. Please don't read if you are the clouds, birds, flowers and aren't they so pretty type person.
Go and have a look at my seriously cool, evil, twisted, jaded and *wow* cliques. Oh, yeah, PG-13, people!
Supercool Liquid
My non-Harry Potter site, people. It's dark and thoughtful and deep, so be serious, willya?
Eminem FanPage
Not too much up yet but I *love* Eminem, he the best! Go have a look!

You have been warned...

Owl Me

Fanfic Writer || Harry Potter

Here's one you won't expect..

Die, Cho, die!

get this gear!

Beware we are protected by...

Cinder and Venom are from here

I am in no way related to JK Rowling. The Copyrights to 'Harry Potter' Series are owned by her, Bloomsbury Publishers infringement is intended, I only have money from Gringotts, no muggle money so don't sue me!
All content/images/ideas on this page are copyright me unless mentioned. You have been warned.
I have a very itchy wand hand...